Hostel Policy

Guest Profile

  • Family/ Couple groups are not allowed.
  • Unsupervised guests below 18 years of age are not allowed.

Safety and Hygiene

  • Quarantine protocols are being followed as per local government authorities.
  • Guests from containment zones are not allowed.
  • Shared resources in common areas are properly sanitized.
  • Hostel staff is trained on hygiene guidelines.
  • Guests with fever are not allowed.
  • Hand sanitizer is provided in guest accommodation and common areas.

Payment Related

  • Credit / debit cards are accepted (all leading credit / debit cards accepted).
  • Online payments are accepted.
  • Cash payments are accepted.
  • Bank Transfer accepted.
  • PayPal Payments are accepted

Food Arrangement

  • Food is not served in Hostel.
  • Outside food can be taken to many nearby Restaurants and Hotels .

Room Safety and Hygiene

  • All rooms are disinfected using bleach or other disinfectant.
  • Linens, Blankets and laundry are washed as per local guidelines.
  • Rooms are properly sanitized between stays.
  • Hand sanitizer are available in the rooms.

Pet(s) Related

  • Pets are not allowed.
  • There are no pets living on the property.

Physical Distancing

  • Social distancing protocols are followed.
  • Contactless Check-In and Checkout service is available.
  • Contactless Room service is available.
  • Cashless Payment Available.

ID Proof Related

  • Passport, Aadhar, Driving License and Govt. ID are accepted as ID proof(s).
  • Office ID, Access Card and Non-Govt IDs are not accepted as ID proof(s).

Hostel Policy

  • According to government regulations, a valid Photo ID has to be carried by every person above the age of 18 staying at Hostel. The identification proofs accepted are Drivers License, Voters Card, Passport, Ration Card. Without valid ID the guest will not be allowed to check in.
  • The primary guest checking in to the Hostel must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Early check-in or late check-out is subject to availability and may be chargeable by Hostel.
  • For any update, User shall pay applicable cancellation/modification charges.
  • Modified bookings will be subject to availability and revised booking policy of the Guest House.
  • The cancellation/modification charges are standard and any waiver is on the Hostel's discretion.
  • Visitors are not allowed within Hostel premises

Cancellation Policy

  • Cancellation and prepayment policies vary according to Bed type. Please check the Fare policy associated with your room or Bed Space.

Check In / Out

  • Hostel Check-in Time is 12:00 PM, Check-out Time is 11:30 AM.